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Electric ride for every Indonesian

MoLi enables you to experience joy of riding your own electric motorcycle or car

Speed & Security

Flexibility & Scalability

You &

Your needs


With the right financing, everyone can own an electric motorcycle or car


We give you access to EV ownership

We provide a range of options to finance your purchase of electric scooter, motorcycle or even car. You will benefit from variety of subsidies, leverage the value of your green personal credits or harness the power of innovative cross-financing schemes. Our mission is to provide access to ownership of electric vehicle to you.


Buy now pay later

Do not worry about saving funds to get your hands on that sweet electric ride. You can pay in installment with 0% percent interest rate focusing on riding experience instead of paying off the interest


Pay with your carbon credit

Are you already environmentally conscious with accumulated carbon credit? Or are you going to offset the cost of your next electric motorcycle by your house being already green? This option is for true environmentalist.


Benefit from national EV scheme

As the benefits of the electric vehicles are being recognized by not only companies but also nations, you can benefit from range of subsidies and incentives if your next vehicle will be electric


Use distributed payment

Communities are foundation of the humanity and play integral role in transformations of societies. That apply also in case of electric vehicles adoption, become a part of community helping each other to get EVs


Built for EV enthusiast, by EV enhusiast

MoLi is not only a business, it is also a community of people who are excited about e-mobility transforming Indonesia. Our purpose is to enable people to take action and switch to electric motorcycle and cars for reasons which fit each individual.

Community Mindset

Tailored and Personalized


What Our Clients Say

My new electric motor is so exciting, I can just quickly accelerate and zip through the city to get some pempeng on my way from school.


I could never dream of having an electric car if not MoLi helping me al the way. I can take my family and we are all proud that on our long drives to Jakarta our car is not polluting Java.



Thanks to MoLi I could aford electric motorcycle in Sulawesi even I just started to work in the hotel here. The bike is so quiet that my parents do not wake up when I come back home late, all my friends are jealous.


Explore Your Options

We are using personalized approach to each person interested in owning and financing purchase of the electric motorcycle or car. Harnessing the power of AI and understanding context and needs of every individual, we can provide you with your specific journey to the ownership.

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Get Ready to Experience Your Electric Motorcycle or Car


Electric ride for every Indonesian


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